
the Easiest Way To Share Your Faith And Grow Your Relationship With The Lord

So what is DBS ?

DBS is short for Discovery Bible Study.

DBS is a simple yet effective method for helping people become obedient disciples of Jesus
(Matthew 28:18-20). It is a way for groups to read and discuss the Bible using four strategic
questions to discover God and His guidance for our daily lives. In DBS, no one is responsible for
teaching – the group is simply reading, listening to, and discussing the Scripture together, trusting
God’s Spirit to be their teacher and to reveal the truth of God’s Word through the discussion (John

The focus of DBS is discipleship – not just gaining knowledge, but actually practicing the teachings
of Jesus. DBS is dependent upon the Holy Spirit speaking to people through the Word of God to
shape people into obedient disciples of Jesus. DBS is intended for both believers and those who
are not yet believers. The Holy Spirit is working in the life of every participant to shape us into more
obedient disciples of Jesus!

Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads you into all truth.” –John 14:15-17

DBS Format

The leader of the DBS is a host and facilitator – not a teacher. Resist the urge to explain the Bible to participants, or to tell them what they should do to obey His Word. Instead, participate as a fellow disciple – one who is also seeking to hear from the Holy Spirit how to become a more obedient follower of Jesus.

Allow the group to process out loud what the Holy Spirit is saying to them, and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal His Truth. Instead of teaching, focus on helping everyone feel welcome (hosting) and helping the discussion flow freely between participants (facilitating).

Frequent Asked questions

can children participate in DBS?

Absolutely YES! Children can and should be encouraged to participate. The effectiveness of DBS is in listening, discovering, and practicing. Both children and adults alike can hear from God’s Spirit through this powerful method of Bible study.

how many people should be in a dBS group?

A good group size is between 2-8 people. This gives everyone an opportunity to answer the questions.

can dBS meet online?

Yes, Yes, YES!
We are hearing numerous stories of DBS groups using Zoom and other videoconferencing services with great success!

How long should the dBS take?

if you follow the structure as we will train you, you should take about 1 hour or less.

Contact us today

Chris Pulice

We are ready to train you, so you can take your faith to the next level and share the love of Jesus among your friends, family and peers.