Would you like to have stories to tell like
these obedient disciples ?

These And Many Others Happened Just In The Last 12 Months!

I had this burden to share my faith with others, but I was shy about it, Through dBS I became unafraid to help others to learn about JESUS!
Cesar Simon
i had many contacts through the community for bible studies. 1000 churches helped to organize them into church planting
aaron wells
i love to share the salvation in Jesus, the team helped me to plant a church in 6 months. now I am thinking to plant a second one.
Isabel Rosado
DBS was the bridge, as i needed to share my faith and did not know how. now i have a mix group in my college studying the word of god
Jennifer Sleiman
i never knew we all could plant a church! We needed to reach out to our community , and god used my husband and I to plant a church
Allyson Kuzcmenda
i started a dBS with few friends of mine, now each one of them are leading a dBS with their friends.
Edward Paulino
we were able to lead our friends to jesus through the DBS, now we are starting a church
jan & elishama
i started a church planting within three weeks of training. thanks 1000 churches team

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as we understand Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”, there is an urgency for us to share the gospel. jesus is calling you and i to expand his kingdom here on earth.

allow us to equip you so you can fulfill jesus calling for your life